25+ years of Excellence in Industrial Weighing, Since - 1995.

Established in 1995 with Nova Weigh UK, specialised in Process Weighing Systems. Amalgamated in 2007 with Precia SA, France, a global leader in Industrial Weighing Systems. Precia Molen Group globally expanded its presence with 20 subsidiaries and representations across the world with over 150+ years of operations.

Precia Molen India operates with a New Modern Manufacturing facility in Chennai and a sales & service network throughout the country. Close to 70,000+  successful installations have been established over 25+ years of operation in India.








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If you know what you’re looking for and would like to dive right into a great position, we invite you to search in our job database to find several great jobs available for you, or to apply online to have one of our experts connect you with a fantastic opportunity that fits your qualifications.








Experience and know-how

The importance PRECIA MOLEN places on quality is reflected in our after sales service.
Teams of specialist engineers trained in France by purpose designed testing facilities ensure the equipment is installed, calibrated and verified to the highest standards.

Whichever part in India our service teams are always at your disposal.








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